Changes to Medicare Supplement Policies

Friday, May 1, 2009

Effective June 1, 2010, there will be 11 new Medicare supplement plans, also know as Medigap plans, to choose from.  These plans will include plans A, B, C, D, F, high-deductible F, G, K, L, M and N (If you already have a Medicare supplement insurance, your coverage will not be affected).  

Plans E, H, I, and J are being eliminated from the Medicare supplement policies.  In addition, the At-home recovery and preventative care benefits will no longer be included on Medigap policies.  Plan G Medicare supplement policies will have 100% coverage for excess charges instead of 80%.  

Medicare has two new creations to add to Medicare supplements insurance plans.  Hospice will be part of the basic benefits.  Therefore, it will be included on all Medicare supplements.  Plans M and N will be offered.  These plans will include higher cost sharing but at lower premiums.
